15 November 2008

Asyiknya Ngeblog

Hai semua :-)

Senang bisa kembali meng-update blog saya yang ini.

Selama ini ke mana sih jeng Liz?

Hehe saya mah di sini ajah, cuma emang lebih sering mengupdate blog saya yang baru, maklum pake domain dan hosting sendiri :-) Lagi getol-getolnya nih.

Dan sibuk dengan bisnis online saya :-) Soale sudah berkembang dengan baik :-) Saya juga sedang mencoba alternatif bisnis online yang lain, tapi kayaknya musti bikin konten yang menarik dulu untuk blog saya.

Oleh karena itu saya sedang mempelajari teknik SEO dan hal lainnya yang berguna untuk menaikkan traffic :-)

Gaya yah sekarang bahasanya hihihi

Maunya sih saya bisa lebih optimal untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tak terbatas dari blog :-) Anda juga khan? Yah daripada blog cuma dibuat curhatan tanpa menghasilkan, alangkah baiknya bisa dapet duit untuk modal balik bayar speedy :p

So, ngeblog siapa takut? cari duit dari blog hayuuuuuu! :-)

24 Juli 2008

Ketika ibu harus berbagi kasih sayang

Ini sebenarnya menjadi dilema buat aku..krn sebentar lagi aku akan melahirkan, perkiraan dokter sih bulan depan. dan berarti di dalam kamar akan ada 2 baby hehehe anak pertamaku si Aerish yang berusia 2,5 thn dan new baby born :-)

Untungnya anakku terbiasa dengan kehadiran adik kecil yah..keponakanku si Kayla..yang juga berdekatan rumahnya...tetanggaan :-) Jadi dia sering banget main ama kayla..dan keliatannya dia sangat sayang ama Kayla, sampe2 nih kalo ada org lain yang sekedar ngeliatain Kayla aja, diamarahin sama Aerish :-D
Wah...kalo nanti adiknya sendiri dah lahir, mungkin lebih sayang yah...

Tapi situasi mungkin akan sedikit berbeda nak..mama akan menyusui adikmu :-) Akan sering ketiduran kalo nyusuin hehehe kayak waktu dulu nyususin Aerish suka ketiduran :-P
Aku harap Aerish sudah bisa mengerti yah...sejauh ini aku cukup perhatian dengnnya...masih suka nyusuin juga...apalagi kalo dia dah ngantuk berat, maunya ASI, padahal yang akelura hampir gak ada, cuma aromanya kali ya nak :-) Gak ngerti juga nih, kok belum keluar ASI-nya padahal kandunganku sudah menginjak 8 bulan.

Tapi aku harus tetep positif thinking!! Demi kesehatanku, agar aku kuat jagain 2 anakku dan tetep bisa eksis di bisnis rumahanku :-)
Mohon doanya yah temen2, thanx :-)

11 Mei 2008

Ngintip Blog-nya Seleb

Hai blogger :-) Happy weekend nih! :-)

Barusan ngecek2 email, but sepi2 aja, gak ada email2 penting yang kutunggu :-p

Trus aku iseng browsing di om google, penasaran ama blog2 majalah gitu, eh malah nemu blognya Dian Sastrowardoyo, Dian promosiin blog seorang cewek, katanya sih keren, kocak :-/ Tapi bingung juga gak lucu2 amat **selera Dian ama JengLiz bedalah** hehehe Tapi yang pasti yang punya blog tersebut jadi tenar juga donk, kan udah dipublikasiin ama seorang Dian gitu loh :-)

Diambil dari(thank's to DianSastrowardoyo): http://www.flickr.com/photos/diansastro/2257505861/?addedcomment=1#preview

Tips nih buat blogger: Kalo mau blognya diintipin dan dipromosiin ama seleb, sering2 blogwalking dan tulis yang sedikit nyeleneh atau yang nyeleneh banget :-)

Penilaianku dari segi penampilan blognya: simple, white, clean **waduh dah kayak iklan deterjen aja nih :-p**, koleksi foto yang dipamerin unik, keren, beda **yang difoto Dian gitu loch! Teteb aja cuantik :-p**

Blog ke-2 yang aku intipin, blognya Sandra Dewi Nge-PINK banget :-) So sweet yah...girly :-)

Konsepnya masih diary gw banget! :-p

Diambil dari (thank's to Sandra Dewi):http://selebritis.infogue.com/foto_seksi_selebritis_sandra_dewi_sesi_vi_

Postingannya irit banget yah, kecapean kali kalo si SD ini kebanyak ngetik **asistennya mana neeh?** Curhat dari soal beli bumbu nasi goreng sampe sekedar say hello ke SD blogger juga diposting meskipun cuma berapa baris kata aja :-p

Weleh2 yang ngasih komentar juga banyak banget ;-) Begitulah artis yah biar postingannya cuma "Hi" postingannya bisa2 puluhan :-D **Jadi pengen nih ngartis (ngakak)**

Mau tau gak persamaannya dari 2 blog seleb (yang katanya mukanya mirip ini)cantik:

Komen gw: YA IYALAH...secara mrk artis, mahal banget dong bayarannya! Hihihi

Sssst..posting komentar buat fotonya Dian yang lagi foto di jemurannya :-P Koment gw: "Aduh Dian..inspire bgt nih :-) Sambil nunggu jemuran gw, gw bisa pose juga donk!! :-) Ntar kalo udah foto gw kirim yah..minta koment u :-)"

So...blog seleb mana yang paling oke menurut kalian? Selain dari 2 blog seleb ini, juga boleh direkomendasiin :-p Ntar gw intipin juga :-)

07 Mei 2008

Teman tapi...

Ide aku menulis ttg pertemanan ini krn aku agak kaget tapi gak kecewa sih :-) Begini aku kan gabung juga di salah satu forum khusus fashionholic gitu, hehe gak perlu ditulis url-nya yah! Aku sempat aktif tapi beberapa bulan yang lalu, sebelom aku hamil deh (sampai akhir Desember 2007) :-) Awalnya sih nyaman2 aja, berhubung fashion adalah salah satu kesukaanku, tapi dah beberapa bulan berjalan, aku mulai ngerasa ketidaknyamanan.

Biasalah di forum kan ngebahas macem2 yah yang berkaitan dengan fashion and beauty, nah kalo udah ngomong soal beauty pasti nyebutin merk makeup, karena akunya juga dah lama pake Oriflame (yang mana barang daganganku juga) jadi aku kasih testimoninya Oriflame donk! Tapi gak melulu kok, karena sebelum pake Oriflame aku kan juga pake produk lokal :-) Aku sih cukup tau diri untuk gak berbahasa jualan yah, maklum member forum tsb kebanyakan pake merk yang super duper mahal.

Pics from: www.graphicsarcade.com/ quotes/friendship/

Kalo menurutku jadi ada keengganan buat member yang lain untuk jujur ama diri mereka sendiri, apakah dengan pake merk yang harganya ratusan ribu dianggap high class? Hmm :-) kesannya begitu sih yah, dan bukan cuma aku aja loh yang berpendapat spt itu. Ada juga temen2ku yang kebetulan juga member di situ, mereka merasakan hal yang sama, we're not like them :-)

Prinsipku, kita memang perlu cari teman untuk menambah luas networking kita :-) Tapi kalo cuma karena temen kita pake merk A bukan berarti kita malu untuk mengakui kita cuma pake yang merk B kan :-) Kalo pun aku (dugaanku nih)dibanned untuk sekedar pajang banner mereka yowessss... :-D Aku rasa untuk berteman, kita emang musti pikir panjang, apakah berteman dgn si F, kita bisa mendapatkan manfaat lahir bathin yang positif? :-)

Aku bangga bisa bergaul dengan semua kalangan, dari teman yang sampe detik ini belom pernah ngerasain naik bajaj/becak, krn naik mercy melulu :-) dan aku juga bangga menjadi teman dari org yang memberikan banyak pelajaran kehidupan buatku, bahwa kita musti bersyukur bisa makan seadanya untuk hari ini :-)

Nah..bagaimana dengan anda? :-)

Thank's alot to :

graphicsarcade.com - Offers free myspace graphics, glitter graphics, myspace picture codes, images, clipart and more.

06 Mei 2008

Bukan Bunda Biasa

Happy birthday ( 5 Mey '08)untuk sahabat, panutan, mentor dan upline saya tercinta..JENG NAD :-)
walaupun telat nih...tapi inget kok Jeng :-) Btw ternyata komunitas Bunda In Bi z (BIB)yang didirikan Jeng Nad (bareng Jeng Dini) juga beruktah yang ke - 3...wah2 nggak nyangka anggotanya udah ribuan (1462) banyak bener bu :-) Dan saya salah satunya.

Ini tetimoniku yah ttg Bunda In Biz sebagai komunitas yang ramah, pintar dan bersahaja :-)

Di BIB, punya rasa kemanusiaan loh, jadi pebisnis rumahan yang mengkhususkan diri untuk ibu-ibu ini gak cuma buat pengusaha kelas kakap, hehehe buat yang em.el.em dan yang bergerak di bidang direct selling juga dihargai :-) Yang penting khan ada aturannya yang disetujui dan ditaati oleh semua anggotanya, jadi selama ini semuanya merasa adil dan merata :-) Semuanya punya perasaan, sama2 menjual, sama2 membutuhkan, sama2 memberikan kesempatan untuk berkembang menjadi ibu2 yang mandiri, pintar dalam menjalankan usahanya dari rumah :-)Ada kebersamaan deh :-)

Apalagi ada milisnya, ide2 brilian bisa disalurkan, ada tanya jawab, sharing, biasalah ibu2 curhat, tanggapannya pun bersahaja, ala ibu2 jadi kayak curhat ama temen waktu SMA dulu yah :-) Gratis pula hehehe

BIB memang udah T.O.P banget, udah banyak bikin event, skala kecil yang akbar (sayang belom nyampe ke Manado yah, kalo dibikin di Manado, pasti aku bawa rombongan 1 kompi heheh), malah dah bikin buku juga :-) Nara sumbernya yah dari anggotanya juga. Buat semua kalangan, gak milih2 kelas, gak milih2 latar belakang pendidikan dan lingkungan, pokoknya yang merasa ibu2 (tua muda) yang pengen lebih dekat dengan anaknya di rumah, buat yang baru mau buka usaha dengan modal minim, ada-ada aja idenya, ada-ada aja supportnya :-)

Ah...bangganya aku jadi BIB-ers :-) Selamat Ulang Tahun BIB-ers :-)

30 April 2008

Eksis Bekerja di Rumah

Foto diambil dari: www.JengNad.multiply.com
Keterangan foto (ki-ka): Jeng Sarah, Jeng Sotya dan Jeng Nadia (Director dari d'BC Network)

Di Majalah Femina edisi 25 Februari 2008, ada topik menarik "Saatnya Bekerja di Rumah". Salah satu nara sumbernya adalah upline saya jeng Nadia Meuthia Yuniardo. Sama seperti dengan ibu-ibu yang lain (narasumber lainnya), jeng Nad (panggilannya di milis hehe) adalah pekerja kantoran, eh dia mantan penyiar Radio Prambors loh! Kayaknya saya pernah dengar suaranya yah :-)

Di topik tersebut, yang modal kerjanya kecil dan hasilnya gak terbatas yah kerjaannya si Jang Nad ini, emang dia kerja apa? Klik di sini yah: www.BeautyChain.info

Hebatnya Jeng Nad belum setahun penghasilannya dah 8 jutaan (Akhir 2007), aku penasaran en cari tau donk! jeng Nad tunjukin deh AR-nya...gila...dari penghasilan pertamanya cuma 52.000, tiap bulan meningkat drastis! :-) Aku ngiler donk! En aku jadi rajin chat sama dia via YM, sembari cari tau ilmunya, untungnya Jeng Nad gak pelit ilmu. Tinggal diduplikasi aja nih. En sekarang aku udah 9%...cihuy, padahal aku cuma online aja loh!

By the way & busway :-) Ayooo...coba pikirkan, sudah berapa lama Anda bekerja di kantor? Sudah berapa kali naik gaji?
Padahal Anda sudah punya target khan?! Nah itu dia susahnya kalo kerja ama orang...perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja BUKAN milik Anda sepenuhnya.

Perusahaan mana yang memberikan kenaikan gaji sebesar 230x
hanya dalam jangka waktu 1.5 th?

Aku ga tau, mungkin ga ada ya? hehe
Tapi.. yang pasti, di Oriflame itu mungkin loh..

Nadia sendiri mengalami hal ini,
silahkan baca email Nadia sbb:(thanx alot yah Jeng Nad untuk emailnya) :-)


Saat email ini saya tulis, April 2008,
saya ada di posisi Senior Gold Director Alhamdulillah.
Posisi dimana saya punya 3 kaki Director (langsung).
Ada Sharah Saleh, Dini Shanti, dan Peggy Prasmaya.
Teman-teman yang nantinya bisa Dini temui juga
di milis dBC Network kita.
(sudah subscribe kan? -- caranya ada di ebook training yaa)

Penghasilan saya dari Ori?
Hmm...Bulan Maret 2008 Alhamdulillah mendekati angka 12juta ;-)
Padahal waktu saya memulai dBC Network bersama jeng Dini,
di bulan Agustus 2006 saya baru menerima bonus sebesar 52 ribu

Luar biasa yaa? Berapa puluh kali lipat itu yaa...
Kantor mana coba hayooo yang bisa menaikkan gaji karyawannya
segitu besar hanya dalam waktu 1,5 tahun hehe.

InsyaAllah di Oriflame bisa kok .

Nadia :-)


Hayo siapa yang mau seperti Jeng Nad?

Buruan gabung bersama Jeng Nad dan saya: www.BeautyChain.info

27 April 2008

Law of Attraction (LoA) part 1

Setelah baca The Secret...ternyata saya sudah pernah mengalami keajaiban dari LoA ini. Ini testimonial aku yah :-) Harapanku ini bisa membantu dan menyemangati blogger lainnya untuk ber Loa :-D

Aku dan suami menikah tepatnya tgl 21 Sept 2003 di Manado, namun kami belum diberikan anak oleh Tuhan (dalam hal ini saya belum hamil2 juga), meskipun sebenarnya kami sudah memiliki anak (anak dari hasil perkawinan pertama suami saya).

Ketika hamil Aerish, usia kehamilan 7 bulan (tetep gaya) :-)
Kami udah berusaha berbagai jurus dan gaya :-D dan juga meminum ramuan baik itu yang tradisional maupun yang modern sekalipun. Hampir 2 tahun lamanya kehamilan juga belum keliatan nih. Hinaan, cemoohan datang di telingaku, suamiku bilang "jangan dimasukin ke hati. Memang belum saatnya aja kamu hamil..." Ini yang membuatku sedikit tenang yah...(thanx yah buat Papa Luq).

Setiap malam saya berdoa kepada Tuhan, memohon pada-Nya, bahkan setiap saat, entah itu ketika sedang berjalan, makan, minum..saya senantiasa mengucapkan permohonan kepada Tuhan; "Tuhan tolong jaga kandungan saya agar sehat dan kuat, sehingga kelak bayi dalam kandungan saya bisa lahir dengan selamat. Amin"

Pokoknya yakin banget deh...di perut ini sudah ada baby, saya menjaga pola makan saya, tidak makan yang mengandung vitsin, MSG, tidak minum kopi, banyak makan buah...saya selalu berusaha menjaga kesehatan tubuh ini :-) Karena saya ingin bayi saya ssehat dan nyaman dalam perut ibunya :-)

Tepatnya kapan saya dah lupa hihihi, yang pasti tgl 16 Februari 2006, anak pertama dalam kandungan saya lahir dengan proses normal, lancar, selamat, sehat, kuat dan tubuh yang normal, dengan BB 3,9 kg dan PB 50 cm. Kami memberikan nama Aerish Bealya Rahayu Pondaag.

Bahkan sekarang saya sedang hamil 4 bulan loh...menurut perkiraan dokter saya akan melahirkan bayi ke-2 saya pada akhir September tahun ini :-)

Jadi kalo blogger pengen impiannya terwujud jangan cuma berharap dan mendoakannya yah..tapi harus diimani. Bagaimana mengimani? Seperti saya yang pengen banget hamil, jadi saya berusaha (seakan-akan) saya ini sudah hamil, Saya sangat berhati-hati menjaga kandungan dan kesehatan saya. Ibu hamil biasanya begitu kan :-) Bagi yang mau mencoba silahkan :-) Nanti kalo sudah ada hasilnya, sharingnya jangan lupa oke...:-)

Foto Aerish ketika berusia 1 thn 6 bulan :-) Centil yah...

08 Februari 2008

Info Bunda

Berhubung saya masih muda cie...muda nih :-) Saya ikutan juga di Klub Info Bunda...kebanyakan sih cerita seputar Bunda yang punya bayi dan balita. Seneng banget karena punya banyak temen baru lagi :-)

Walaupun saya agak gak enak hati, krn udah lama gak buka2 blog saya di situ, ama yang ini juga sih hehe, saya baru aja sembuh dari sakit gig nih, udah 2 minggu! BT! Tapi setelah sembuh tancep gas lagi dengan cek email, update blog hehehe ternyata banyak email yang masuk dan belom sempat dibales. Maaf yah teman...

Hmm..ternyata dengan mengikuti/bergabung di beberapa milis dan forum membuat pergaulan kita menjadi lebih luas. Meski hanya online di kamar, berasa jalan2 dan gahtering dengan teman2 online yang jauh di mata!

Di info bunda, adaberbagai menu nih:
1. Waktu Kelahiran: Anda sedang menikmati masa kehamilan dan ingin tahu kapan kira-kira bayi Anda lahir? Masukkan tanggal hari pertama menstruasi yang terakhir Anda alami dan temukan jawabnya.

2. Masa Kehamilan: Mengetahui diri Anda mengandung tentu sangat menggembirakan. Selama 9 bulan ke depan, Anda akan menjalani ‘kehidupan baru’ yang sangat menarik. Apa saja yang terjadi di dalam rahim Anda selama itu? Bagaimana proses pertumbuhan janin Anda dalam tiap fase? Panduan pertumbuhan janin berikut ini akan membantu persiapan Anda menyambut si kecil hadir dalam kehidupan Anda.

3. Pertumbuhan Balita: Si kecil tumbuh begitu cepat. Untuk memantau perkembangannya, Anda perlu mengetahui tahapan kecerdasan yang harus dicapai bayi tiap bulannya.

Perkembangan kecerdasan bayi mencakup kemampuan perseptual, motorik, kognitif dan keterampilan sosial. Bila tahapan perkembangannya ada yang tidak tercapai, berarti perlu ada yang harus diwaspadai. Inilah standar yang sudah dibakukan berdasarkan penelitian statistik terhadap mayoritas bayi normal. Bila terdapat keterlambatan perkembangan yang tidak terlalu ekstrem, Anda tidak perlu cemas, karena perkembangan setiap bayi memang berbeda-beda. Namun, jika bunda merasa perkembangan buah hati terlalu lambat, saatnya berkonsultasi dengan dokter anak yang menangani tumbuh-kembang balita.

4. Nama si Kecil: Pilihan nama-nama yang unik, indah untuk bayi anda dan disertai dengan artinya loh!

5. Jadwal Imunisasi: Agar buah hati Anda memiliki pertahanan tubuh yang kuat dan mampu melawan infeksi, pastikan ia mendapat imunisasi secara lengkap.
Tujuan imunisasi adalah mempertinggi daya tahan tubuh agar anak Anda tidak terkena penyakit infeksi. Meskipun penyakitnya sudah tidak ada, imunisasi tetap diperlukan untuk berjaga-jaga kalau penyakit tersebut muncul kembali. Dilengkapi dengan Keterangan jadwal imunisasi berdasarkan usia pemberian, sesuai IDAI, periode 2004.

6. Astrologi Bayi: Senangnya dikaruniai bayi mungil yang lucu, mungkin tak akan pernah tertandingi oleh kenikmatan apa pun. Tapi, seperti apa ya kira-kira karakternya kelak? Apakah ia pendiam, periang, ceria, disiplin, atau sebaliknya? Ini dia kepribadiannya menurut zodiak.

7. Newsletter: Info menarik seputar ibu hamil bayi dan balita dikemas cantik dinformaskan secara berkala.

Ayo..gabung sekarang juga di Info Bunda yah :-)

Buat Bunda yang pengen kasih kado untuk anaknya ada Buku Perananku nih! Apa itu Buku Perananku? Silahkan klik di logo KBI


20 Januari 2008

Free Articles

Halo Parents :-)

Sebelum saya menulis blog ini, saya sedang mencari beberapa artikel gratis mengenai internet marketing di Google, wah banyak yah! Dan saya ingin berbagi dengan anda, sekalian buat saya pribadi bisa baca2 lagi pas buka blog saya ini :-)

Sebenarnya saya lagi cari bahan untuk menulis, saya pengen bikin ebook tapi hasil tulisan saya sendiri, makanya saya sedang belajar nih dari tulisan2 dan pengalaman orang lain :-)

Ternyata gak gampang dan gak susah..walah membingungkan yah! :-) Tapi bener deh, saya tertarik banget dengan internet marketing ini, maunya sih membuat produk sendiri bukan menjual produk orang melulu yah! Doakan saja, harapan saya itu bisa terwujud :-) Oke selamat membaca beberapa artikel menarik tentang Internet Marketing hasil buruan saya :-) Maaf jika kurang berkenan yah.

Writing Articles. The Ultimate Promotion Tool

By: Allison Thompson

There are many ways for someone to promote their online business or website and one is by writing and then submitting an article to the many article directories that can be found on the internet. People who write articles that are relevant to their site or the product they are selling have found this an inexpensive but extremely effective method of driving traffic to their sites. All it needs is for one well written article that they have submitted to be published and they find that over a period of time the traffic increases to their site. However, by writing more articles then the person is more than likely to gain even more exposure for their site.

Also many people have found that the article directories that they submit to are usually free for submission purposes and when starting an online business any savings you can make in the first few weeks or months will benefit the business.

Plus by submitting an article to an article directory you allowing other site uses to use your information, but they must only use original articles and at all times they must retain the authors resource box. By having your article placed on other peoples sites the potential for additional customers actually visiting your own site is increased.

It should be remembered that any article that you write should be informative, well written and included as many keywords relating to your site as possible. You will see from this article alone, just how many times I have included article in a paragraph or sentence. Also please ensure that you write an article on the subject that relates to your site and that you are familiar with as you will find that this helps to make the article writing process much easier.

Any articles of yours that are chosen and used by a publisher one accepted by an article directory will help to increase your sites presence on the net and will provide you with that all important back link back to your site. As stated previously any article of yours that is used by another site owner or publisher must be kept in its original form and must include the authors resource box with that all important back link back to your own site.

A resource box should just provide the reader with an introduction to yourself and include the back link back to your own site. I usually write one or two lines such as “Allison Thompson, a work from home mum, now living in Spain and who has become extremely interested in writing articles for a living and has now gained expert knowledge in this field. If you would like to know anything on the subject above, please visit my site ………………”.

Any article that has been well written and informative will usually capture a large audience rather than one that is long and tedious and with very little information contained within it about the subject matter. But remembered that any article you write must be an original and must not have been produced anywhere else as the all important search engines of the net only look at those with original content and are easy to spot those that have been duplicated.

Eventually, after you have written a number of articles on your chosen subject you will find that your credibility as an expert has built and people are more willing to read what you are producing.

So as you can see by writing your own articles you are more likely to impress those people that are interested in the service or the product that you are offering and because submission to many article directories is free the cost implications are minimal.

Finally, with the abundance of article directories that are available on the internet you will find that you will be able to reach a larger audience of potential customers, rather if you just set the site up and hope that the search engines find it.
About The Author

Allison Thompson lives in Spain and has become a work at home mum and runs a number of websites including http://www.give-me-articles.com

I Hate Writing Articles - Isn't There An Easier Way?!

By: Carina Ljungqvist

The more you understand about any subject, the more interesting it becomes. As you read this article you'll find that the subject of Article-writing is certainly no exception.

If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

Owning, running and maintaining an internet based business or a site needs articles. Plain and simple, every one who has a site knows this. Even those who don’t have sites but are frequent internet users knows this as well. Articles quench the thirst for information and knowledge of the people. Plus, the articles provide many other benefits for the site.

The benefits that articles provide are putting a site high in the ranking in search results of keywords and keyword phrases that pertains or are relevant to his or her site. They also provide attraction to website visitors when they are appreciated and is linked to your site from another site or newsletter. Articles provide for the increase of the confidence and trust levels of customers to your site and company.

Many articles are also beneficial to both company and its traffic. When the readers like the articles, they would tell more of their friends, family and peers and recommend your site to them, providing for a larger volume of traffic. You get bigger sales if your traffic trusts and believes in you. Your product or services would be much easier to sell when they know you know what you are doing and talking about.

So ok, we have established that articles are very important to a site and to business. Articles are crucial and to keep ahead in the game, a site must have an article, it is imperative. There is one dilemma though, not many people like writing articles.

Many website owners would rather spend their time on something else, and unless you’re a big time company, you don’t have the necessary resources to use on a pool of article writers. Plagiarism or copying of other articles is frowned upon and could easily get you into trouble, worst case scenario; a hefty fine and jail time.

So what are the other options?

Well, for starters if you hate writing articles and you can’t afford to hire people to write for you then don’t. Get free articles. The first place to look at for free articles is the public domain. Here you won’t have problems with copyright infringement and the following penalties and fines if you get caught for plagiarism.

Public domain articles are articles freely given to the public for public use. You can do whatever you want with it. You can place it on your site, name it as yours, put it in a newsletter it’s your decision. Always remember though that you will have to choose articles that are very relevant to your site.

The downside to public domain articles is that since it is free for everybody, many of your competitors may have access to them as well. Since every site needs to be original and unique even though you have the same niche, this could be a predicament. You may also have to edit them a bit to place more keywords and keyword phrases to make them better.

Another way to get free articles is to allow other sites which have the same subject or topic as yours to submit articles to your site. This would be only to augment your existing content or else all your articles would be leading to other sites since these articles would have resource boxes with them that could link or direct the readers to their site. That’s why it is important to have your own articles; you cold use them to link your site to other sites as well.

But, to truly feel the impact of what a good article to you, go for original ones. There are many article writers who do part time and freelance article writing jobs that charges only minimal fees. You can get good articles that have all the keywords and keyword phrases you need and people are looking for.

The investment you made for these articles would be worthwhile because you could use them for all the benefits you could offer. You hold copyrights to them and you will be able to use them anyway you want. As your articles help you in building your business and your site, you will have more articles to write and maybe then you won’t be having second thoughts about articles.

So now you know a little bit about Article-writing. Even if you don't know everything, you've done something worthwhile: you've expanded your knowledge.
About The Author
Carina Ljungqvist is a student at Success University, an online-leadership school.
Success University:

Earn Cash Writing Articles - Easy as 1-2-3

By: Jo Mark

Article writing is as easy as 1-2-3!

1) The opening paragraph gives your qualifications or grabs the reader and almost compels him or her to read further.

2) Your article will contain just two or three facts.

Fact 1) Perfect grammar is not a necessity.

Fact 2) The number of words in the typical article.

Fact 3) Separate each paragraph.

3) The closing paragraph summarizes the article and provides a link to your site.

Many people are reluctant to write articles because they think it’s too difficult. That’s nonsense. Article writing is actually quite easy once you know the three-step formula (above). Others are reluctant to write because they do poorly with grammar or spelling. Do you need to use perfect grammar in your articles? Certainly not, but some sites will refuse to print your work if it is riddled with errors. Fortunately, there is a way around this for those that are grammatically challenged. Most of the word processors available today come with a spelling AND grammar checker. You should make full use of both of these features.

The ideal article contains just 500-600 words. Many submission sites will not accept articles with less than 500 words and will refuse those with more than 1000 words. In addition, it is sometimes difficult to keep a reader’s interest if it is over 700 or 800 words. (They didn’t come to the site to read a novel.) For that reason, I try to make sure that all of my articles have around 500 words.

Break your article up into a number of different paragraphs and separate each one by a space. This makes your article more pleasing to the eye. This is important because your readers will make his or her first judgment about your article based on the way it looks. And like anything else, you want your reader to have a good first impression.

Your first paragraph or two should tell the reader about your qualifications or entice him or her to read further. This is called ‘the hook’. In this piece, we are using a “hook” instead of the qualifications. Our hook lets the reader know that there is a formula to writing articles and we will divulge this information in the article.

The next paragraph or two should discuss the facts, information, or points you wish to make. Each of these paragraphs should discuss the benefits as well as features. The benefits will grab the reader and let him know why it is important to him.

Close the article with an offer for more information by clicking your link. I prefer to use a free information offer as many more people will click through for a free report. If instead, you ask readers to: ‘Visit our site for more information,’ only about one third as many readers will click through. For that reason, I prefer the following: For more information on the subject, download our FREE REPORT at http://mysite.verizon.net/vzer1vjr/jomark3/free12.html

Jo Mark is an Internet marketing authority specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. The successful ebooks have helped countless individuals generate article income.

The article above has 527 words. PERFECT!!

20 Free and Easy Techniques to Increase Traffic

By: Jo Mark

Traffic is the lifeblood of your website. You could have the best website on the planet, but without traffic, no one will see it and your sales will be zero. You need to build, and increase traffic to maintain a successful website. Following are 20 free and easy techniques to increase traffic.

1. Write articles related to your site and submit them to the 10 largest article directories. To get sustainable traffic through article writing, you need to write and submit articles on a daily basis.

2. Write articles related to your site and submit them to article directories related to your niche.

3. If you’re launching a new site or fresh content, submit it to Now Public http://www.nowpublic.com

4. Find high quality, relevant blogs and leave a comment with a link back to your site.

5. Seek out those with related blogs and websites and ask them to review your product or site in exchange for a link.

6. Provide content to YouTube http://www.youtube.com and make sure your URL is prominently displayed.

7. Provide content to Google Video http://video.google.com and make sure that your URL is prominently displayed.

8. Create a MySpace account http://www.myspace.com and advertise and market your site there.

9. Bookmark your site on Del.icio.us http://del.icio.us

10. Syndicate the content on your website by using an RSS feed.

11. Submit your RSS feeds to FeedBurner http://www.feedburner.com

12. Submit your RSS feeds to Squidoo http://www.squidoo.com

13. Submit your RSS feeds to Feedboy http://www.feedboy.com

14. Submit your RSS feeds to Jordomedia http://www.jordomedia.com

15. Register with StumbleUpon http://www.stumbleupon.com and get a friend or two to stumble your site.

16. Create a signature file that includes a link to your website. Include this link with all postings you leave on forums. This can be very effective if you post often to topics related to your website or product.

17. If you use PPC, create a landing page for each of your Adwords. This targeted approach can increase your conversions considerably.

18. If you’re launching a new site or providing fresh content, submit it to Digg http://www.digg.com

19. If you’re launching a new site or providing fresh content, submit it to Reddit http://reddit.com

20. Offer a Great FREE Give-Away item on your site. People like free stuff and will tell their friends if it’s good.

By implementing the 20 free and easy techniques above, you may see a nice increase in the amount of traffic coming to your website.

About The Author
Jo Mark

Great FREE Give-Away to Increase Traffic!
Get 200 FREE Ebooks and Downloads!

Develop Your Own Ebook!
And Start Your Own Affiliate Program!

Being Plus Size Doesn't Limit Your Choices

By: Andrea Dilea

Clothes shopping can be a chore, and even more so if you're a plus sized woman. No matter what size you are, developing a shopping strategy before you hit the mall is a good idea. If you are looking for clothes that fit well and you're a plus size, this goes double for you! So take a look at the few tips below and make sure that you're a best dressed gal this winter.

First, there's a good chance that you've been told to stick to dark colors like black, gray and maroon, but this is not really the case. Cut will always beat color in terms of importance when it comes to looking good, so when it boils down to it, a well-cut outfit in tangerine orange will look just as good as one in charcoal gray. Make sure that the outfits you are wearing aren't just composed of tubes; look for a taper around the waist and hips, depending on your build and make sure that above all, you clothing is comfortable. Similarly, make sure that no matter what you wear, you feel good in it.

Not all body types look good in the same style of clothes. Oftentimes, "plus-sized" lines of apparel are only oversized versions of their garments for smaller women. The sad reality is that these clothes were designed with the smaller woman in mind, and frequently do not have the same flattering effect on the plus size girl. Stand in front of your mirror and decide what features you'd like to accentuate, rather than what you'd like to disguise. If you have voluptuous curves, pick styles of clothing that enhance them. Wide-hipped women should opt for curvy A-line skirts rather than broomstick skirts. When shopping for skirts, be conscious of hem length. Skirts that fall at your calf will shorten the appearance of your legs, but floor- or knee-length skirts will flatter.

When going out in the winter, remember that layering is your friend. One way to stay warm and look great is to layer several thinner tops on top of one another. Avoid the bulky sweater or pull over and instead layer a long sleeved stretch top under a snappy short sleeved shirt for casual wear. The thinner layers will cling to you to provide better warmth while maintaining an attractive silhouette. Look for clothes that mix and match well, and you'll have plenty of options all winter.

Remember that shopping for plus sized clothing doesn't mean that you have to be stuck wearing something that fits you poorly or is unattractive on you.

How To Create Healthy Party Snacks For Kids That They Will Eat

By: Helen Thompson

Finding the right balance of healthy food that kids will eat at parties can be quite a challenge, particularly with the popularity and brand recognition of fast foods. However, with a bit of creativity and effort you can make healthy food look appetizing and fun to eat and here are a few tips.

Instead of serving bread with hundreds and thousands/sprinkles on it, make a variety of sandwiches with different fillings, for example cheese, ham, tuna, egg, cheese and tomato or tuna and sweet corn. Small, quality sausages, such as chipolatas are also an excellent addition to any party and popular with children. The children are more likely to eat these if you present them in a fun way.

Instead of lots of chocolate, place dried fruit on toothpicks, ensuring that you use a variety off different colors to make it look fun. You can also have muesli bars and you can buy carob coated rice cakes. You could also make carob coated chocolate rice krispies treats. You can use cornflakes as a wheat free alternative but please ensure that you check the package in case of children with allergies.

If you want to offer vegetarian, dairy free or wheat/gluten free party food, then here are a few different ideas for you to try:-

• If you are able to locate them, Scottish oatcakes (some oatcakes may contain wheat or gluten - check the packages for further details) are an excellent choice served with tuna and sweet corn.

• For a sweet idea, rice cakes with a carob chocolate topping or for a savory idea, you could add some cheese, pineapple, aubergine (eggplant) or a variety of pureed vegetables. Make sure that these are colorful to attract the children’s eye.

• You can add cheese to muffins (you can make these gluten free) and place them under the grill. Try placing some fruit and shredded zucchini (courgette) inside them also. You can also make them into little pizzas and get the party boy/girl to help you make them.

• Waffles are also another good idea (these may not be gluten free though) and you can add all sorts of things, for example pureed fruits as a sweet alternative or freshly cooked beans as a savory topping.

• Tofu (bean curd) can also be used, although to make this attractive to children, you will need to ensure that you serve it in an interesting way. One way to do this is to slice the tofu finely and then dip it into some beaten up egg. Then add some sesame seeds and shallow fry it, serving it hot. The adults may prefer this but nothing ventured nothing gained!

• Home made pizzas cut into small rectangles, so that the children can eat them easily. You can add all sorts of different flavors and pineapple and cheese, tomato and cheese, or grated vegetables and cheese are excellent vegetarian choices. If you have someone at the party who cannot eat wheat or is a strict vegan, you can then add soya cheese and use wheat free dough. You can ask the party girl/boy to help you make them into funny faces. Getting the children involved with what you are doing is always a great idea, since they will then enjoy their party more as they have participated in the food preparation.

• You can also offer a variety of foods on a stick, for example cheese or fruit cubes.

• Falafels (a Lebanese delicacy made with chick peas).

• Rice crackers or pitta bread served with hummous and avocado dip, with carrot, zucchini and celery.

Educational Toys: Making Kids Smart By Having Fun

By: Rony Pollock

Kids are like sponges. They absorb. But the similarity ends there. While sponges absorb, they shrink and disintegrate before long. Kids, on the other hand, soak up day to day experiences and when the right mindsets are instilled, they continually thrive. That’s why it’s important for parents like you to carefully select the toys they play with. Associating fun and play with learning is a fundamental aspect of every child’s growth. And one of the best ways to make this happen is through educational toys.

It All Starts at Home

The home front is crucial to a child’s development. This is where curiosity is first explored. This is where a child learns about colors, shapes, and sounds, what Yes and No mean, and that asking “why” can almost always generate an explanation. The first lessons brought about by childhood generally come from the people around the household. That’s why all activities of your kid should be carefully selected. The right books, appropriate TV programs, and educational toys can supplement and enhance your child’s learning process, making the early stages of learning easier and enjoyable.

Lessons of Playtime

Playing is every child’s first priority. Playtime may only seem to provide pure entertainment, but it is also an integral part of your child’s mental and emotional growth. While it’s good to provide children opportunities for skill formation, such as music or art classes, it’s also ideal to give them ample time to play. Doing so, would provide the following benefits:

- Personality development
- Awareness of their potentials
- Promote independent thinking
- An avenue for creative thinking and problem solving
- Improvement their motor skills
- Enhance their ability to think and communicate
- Value-formation

Guidance is essential to bring out the best in children. But it doesn’t mean that you should totally organize the whole experience for your child. The important thing is to provide supervision and the appropriate tools for play and let your child take it from there.

Toys that Fit

Giving your child high-quality educational toys will liven up and enhance the process of sensory and learning development. The right toys for the right age needs to be considered too. A rattle wouldn’t capture the interest a five-year-old kid. Here’s a quick guide on what educational toys children may enjoy at a certain age:

Infants – The keywords are soft, safe, and colorful. Vividly colored rattles and squeaky toys will stimulate their sense of touch, sight, and hearing.

1 to 2 years – This is a stage where children start learning how to maneuver the things in their hands. They are also beginning to discover that some things are paired together. Toddlers will enjoy building blocks and toys that will allow them to identify and match shapes.

2 to 3 years – Children are beginning to get more creative at this age. They like role playing with other kids or by themselves. Puzzles, Play Cubes, and educational toys that stir their imagination are the best options.

4 to 5 years – Kids are into creative thinking and decision-making by this age. Educational toys that can help enhance these developments include puzzle games and constructions toys.

As children grow older, they become more independent in their choices of what toys to play with. They usually forego free play for games that involve rules and friends. They learn to be competitive. This is the time where parents’ guidance is most crucial. But if you’ve established the foundation by providing your child with educational toys early on, then you may have a child who’s well-developed emotionally and smart to boot.

Stress Management Tips For Moms

By: Aurelia Williams

Let's Face it, every mom has had one of "those days". The baby is feed and dry but very fussy, your child forgot to tell you about a science project that is due tomorrow and hands you a list of 10 things that you must get from the store, you forgot the roast in the oven and now it is dry and your husband just called to say that he is stuck at the office... again! After a day like this, it can be very hard to keep your stress level low. With each passing minute you may feel your stress and irritability rising, your patience getting shorter and your fuse about to blow! Calgon Take Me Away!!

When you feel the need to escape and take a few minutes to yourself to de-stress, follow some (if not all) of the tips below.

Put yourself in time out: Allow some alone time for yourself. Use this time to focus on you. Find a place in your home that you can go to and find privacy. You can ask your partner or a friend to take the family out for a few hours while you enjoy your alone time. Do nothing, sleep, read, watch a movie, and just enjoy your solitude.

Call a Friend: Rather than yelling at your husband or your children, try picking up the phone and vent to a friend. Be sure not to vent AT her, but rather tell her about your day and get it all out. If she offers you some advice, listen and soak it in. This mini-time out session will leave you feeling heard, de-stressed and you will find that by the end of your call some of you anger will have dissipated.

Play: As adults, we sometimes forget the beneficial value of play. Play stimulates our imagination, encourages our creativity, boosts our energy, and best of all, it is fun. Try a game of tennis, a game of cards online or perhaps invite some friends over for an evening of adult board games.

Meditate: Meditation has been proven to reduce your blood pressure, and helps to dramatically reduce your stress level. Meditation and/or prayer will help you to keep in touch with your spiritual side. Meditation is a very effective method of relaxation. To meditate, quiet your mind and allow yourself to focus on one thing, such as your breath. Find a relaxed comfortable position where Try visualizing good health and peace as you inhale. While you are breathing out breathe out all of your stress. Set aside approximately 20 minutes for this exercise. Upon completion, you will see just how much more relaxed your mind and body is.

Take a nap: Find a quiet, comfortable spot and take a nap. Even a short power nap can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and more focused. Studies have shown that people who spent 30 minutes each day napping had one third less heart disease than those who didn't nap.

Eat: Not just anything but certain things. Studies show that certain foods can help reduce stress. Carbohydrates will actually soothe you. Good sources of carbohydrates include rice, pasta, potatoes, breads, air-popped popcorn and low-calorie cookies. Experts suggest that the carbohydrates present in just one baked potato or a cup of spaghetti or white rice, is enough to relieve the anxiety of a stressful day.

Movie Time: If you don’t have anyone to watch the children for you while you de-stress. Put in one of their favorite movies, supply your children with a few healthy snacks, and have them occupy themselves for a little while so that you can take a breather.

Don't feel guilty for taking time out to rejuvenate your mind and body. Being a mom is not an easy task and it is a full time job. Take a break when you need it and be sure to ask for help to keep the stress at bay.

Aurelia Williams, certified Personal Life Coach and owner of Real Life Coaching. Are you looking to reduce your stress? Join our www.reallifecoaching.net/stressless.shtml" target="_blank">Stress Lessprogram. Free Consultation included.

Article Source: http://greatarticlesformoms.com

18 Januari 2008

Blog Ibu Tapi Penulisnya Bapak hehehe

Saya iseng2 (hobi sih yah) cari di google dengan pencarian kalimat: "blog ibu bekerja dari rumah" Hm...saya pikir blog saya yang keluar hehehe, nggak mungkin yah soalnya blog saya belom ada yang komentarin :-)

Foto diambil dari www.zeze.vavai.com

Blog Bapak yang satu ini menempati urutan pertama loh! Hebat :-) Setelah saya cek di blog-nya..ternyata gak lengkap2 amat seperti blog2 serupa yang pernah saya liat, tapi kok bisa yah nomor satu? Saya liat juga nggak ada shoutbox-nya, bahkan link exchange antar blogger (sori kalo salah istilahnya) juga gak ada! Tapi saya salut, selain karena penulisnya seorang ayah, saya jadi ngiri juga, ayah ini rajin dan konsen dengan perkembangan buah hatinya. Jarang loh menemukan ayah seperti ini, yang rajin menulis blog tentang anaknya :-) Pasti isterinya bangga memiliki suami seperti dia, hihihi.

Sejujurnya saya masih belum tau siapa nama ayah ini (maaf pak) postingannya sih tertulis by Vavai, tapi jangan2 itu nama sang anak?! Yah daripada bingung2 saya sebut saja Ayah Vavai (boleh yah pak ...)

Nah..ini bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk para ayah lainnya, jangan melulu bikin blog soal SEO, bisinis online, atau soal software dll :-) Hayo mana lagi blog ayah? (suamiku sendiri paling males bikin blog, hmmm....)

Big Women

Saya lagi cari keyword tentang big women, kemudian saya nemu keyword big women clothing..dan ketemulah saya pada situs www.MakingItBig.com di Google urutan nomor SATU! :-) Pas saya browsing, web ini memang lengkap, dari katalog fashionnya, community, sampe blog para membernya. Pantas jadi nomor 1 di google untuk pencarian kata big women clothing (jadi inget pelajaran SEO nih hehehe).

Saya penasaran, saya browsing lebih jauh lagi, iseng2 liat modelnya, wuih cantik-cantik dan photogenic loh! :-) Kalo cuma foto close up aja nih, nggak nyangka kalo body-nya big size! Diantara modelnya, saya suka yang ini karena mukanya mirip saya (jadi kebayang kalo saya tiba2 jadi melar, pasti seperti ini mukanya)...eh..ternyata orang berukuran extra ini cocok juga yah berpotongan rambut bob yang lagi trend sekarang ini :-) Boleh dicoba tuh moms :-)

Ngomong2 soal berat badan..banyak sih yang nawarin pil diet, jamu diet hehehe...tapi saya belom tertarik karena saya masih menyusui, takutnya nanti berdampak negatif pada anak saya. jadi pil dietnya dipending dulu! Hihihi.

Kalo mau ditanya berapa badan saya, jawaban saya, pokoknya sudah kelewat deh dari sebelum hamil yang masih , <50 kg :-)terus terang jadi malas untuk menimbang berat badan nih, takut jadi stress. Memang sih, ada keluhan ketika saya melihat beberapa (banyak lagi) baju dan celana panjang saya yang span2 dah nggak muat lagi hiks..hiks...

Nah..pas saya browsing lagi (masih di halaman pertama Google) saya nemu situs www.BigOnBatik.com weleh2, Batik? Sempet gak percaya sih..ternyata pas buka webnya, bener loh! Batik dari Indonesia pula...designernya dari BALI :-) Bangganya yah...tapi lebih bangga lagi kalo kita sendiri sbg bangsa Indonesia yang punya web seperti itu :-) Yang pasti sih kita musti bangga dengan bentuk tubuh kita hehehe.... :-)


15 Januari 2008

Memulai Usaha Dari....

Dikutip dari tulisan: Mike Rini
Perencana Keuangan (CBN CyberSHOPPING)

# Sumber ide dari pekerjaan dan Keterampilan.
Pekerjaan yang kita tekuni, dan keterampilan yang sudah kita miliki merupakan sumber yang kaya akan ide bisnis yang tepat untuk kita. Alasannya? Dari sinilah (pekerjaan yang telah sekian lama kita jalankan, dan keterampilan yang sudah kita kembangkan) insting bisnis kita dibentuk dan dipupuk. Banyak orang memilih ide usaha dari pekerjaan yang pernah mereka tekuni dan keterampilan yang sudah mereka miliki. Misalnya seseorang karyawan yang pernah bekerja di perusahaan kosmetik dan menjadi tenaga penjual di perusahaan tersebut sebelum akhirnya terjun untuk membangun perusahaan kosmetiknya. Dari pekerjaannya ini, ia mengembangkan keterampilan teknis dan manajemen, serta mengembangkan jaringan perkenalan dengan orang-orang yang tepat yang harus dihubungi di bisnis yang ia tekuni tersebut. Contoh lain, ada orang yang juga memulai karier di perusahaan penerbitan milik orang lain. Ia bahkan sempat belasan tahun menimba ilmu di perusahaan ini dan menajamkan keterampilan editing dan pengelolaan bisnis sebelum akhirnya memutuskan untuk membangun usaha penerbitannya sandiri.

# Sumber ide dari minat dan hobi.
Sumber kedua yang juga tidak kalah pentingnya adalah minat dan hobi yang kita miliki. Kedua hal ini merupakan sumber yang memiliki kekuatan yang ampuh dalam membangun keyakinan serta motivasi bagi kita untuk memulai usaha. Umumnya orang tidak merasa terbeban untuk melakukan yang ia senangi (misalnya: minat dan hobi). Ini merupakan modal kuat bagi seorang wiraswastawan yang menekuni dunia yang memang ia cintai. Contohnya Bill Gates mengandalkan hobi dan minatnya di bidang komputer sebagai sumber ide memulai kerajaan bisnisnya yang sekarang telah menggurita di seluruh dunia. Beberapa mantan olahragawan nasional seperti Susi Susanti, Elfira Nasution, dan lain-lain, mengembangkan usaha mereka di jalur yang sesuai dengan minat, hobi, dan pengalaman kerja: menjadi pelatih, membuka sekolah olah raga, dan toko peralatan olah raga.

# Sumber ide dari pengalaman.
Pengalaman diri sendiri dan juga orang lain (apa yang kita alami, ataupun yang dialami oleh orang lain), selain merupakan guru yang baik, juga merupakan sumber ide bisnis yang kaya. Pengalaman, terutama yang buruk, memberikan kesan yang mendalam bagi kita, yang tidak mudah untuk dilupakan. Jika pengalaman tersebut adalah pengalaman buruk, maka tentunya kita tidak ingin pengalaman tersebut terulang lagi. Kita akan berusaha mencari jalan "baru" untuk menghindari kesulitan dan masalah yang pernah kita alami. Jalan baru inilah yang memacu munculnya ide-ide bisnis yang brilian.

Contoh: ada seorang kawan saya yang mengalami pesta pernikahan yang kacau balau, dari mulai pertengkaran antar keluarga besan, souvenir yang rusak, listrik yang padam saat berlangsungnya resepsi, makanan yang keburu habis, sampai baku hantam dengan petugas keamanan setempat. Dari pengalaman buruknya , kawan saya melihat pentingnya ada profesi yang bisa membantu orang menyelenggarakan resepsi pernikahan dengan cara yang profesional. Ide ini kemudian dia kembangkan dengan membuka usaha jasa wedding organizer dan penyelenggaraan acara-acara pesta lainnya.

# Sumber ide dari pengamatan.
Selain pengalaman, pengamatan ternyata juga adalah sumber ide bisnis yang tak habis-habisnya. Dari pengamatan akan segala sesuatu yang terjadi di sekitar kita, kita bisa menemukan kebutuhan-kebutuhan pasar yang belum terpenuhi, yang bisa kita jadikan peluang bisnis. Bahkan, pengamatan ini merupakan keterampilan yang harus dimiliki seorang wiraswastawan. Pada prinsipnya, identifikasi kebutuhan yang belum terpenuhi merupakan konsep dari upaya membangun usaha. Dari pengamatan ini, banyak ide bisnis dan peluang bisnis yang bisa terus digali untuk dikembangkan. Misalnya Dari hasil pengamatannya terhadap masyarakat kita bisa lihat dan mengidentifikasi kebutuhan wanita-wanita bekerja saat ini untuk pengasuhan anak mereka yang masih balita. Ide ini dituangkan menjadi peluang bisnis yang kemudian diwujudkannya dengan mendirikan tempat penitipan anak balita sekaligus tempat bermain dan belajar.

Komentar saya untuk tulisan ini:
Ternyata nggak terlalu sulit yah untuk memulai usaha/bisnis, tergantung dari seberapa besar kemauan kita :-) Ada kemauan pasti ada jalan. Cuman saya sendiri sebenarnya masih mencari-cari ide maunya sih bikin authority site, jual ebook buatan sendiri, hm...masih banyak yang musti aya kerjakan, musti research dulu nih! Ada yang menganjurkan untuk menentukan sedikitnya 20 tpoki yang saya minati, hihi tapi saya bingung menentukan prioritasnya. Mungkin ada blogger yang bisa kasih saran? Thanx sebelumnya yah :-)

Tahun Baru Blog Baru (lagi) hehehe

Aduh **lagi sakit gigi** :-( sebenarnya saya lagi semangat-semangatnya memperbaharui blog saya, walaupun blog saya sebelumnya belum banyak postingan :-) Abis banyak blog yang baus-bagus dan bikin saya tergoda :-) Ingin bikin blog yang seperti ini, seperti itu, waduh jadi bingung!

Pada intinya sih, pengen blog saya bisa bener-bener berguna buat orang lain dan buat SAYA tentunya :-) Pengen banget blog saya banyak yang komentarin tapi bukan di Shoutbox ! Menurut saya, sebagai penulis blog, saya merasa tulisan saya dihargai (dibaca) apabila tulisan saya mendapat tanggapan entah itu tanggapan yang positif dan negatif sekalipun :-) Buat saya, nggak masalah! Setiap orang mempunyai pikiran dan opini masing-masing, dan saya suka akan keanekaragaman, beda itu INDAH :-)

Beberapa hari ini saya sibuk browsing, mencari informasi, blog yang banyak pengunjungnya itu seperti apa sih? Siapa sih penulisnya? **want to know aja :-)**
Bukan berarti saya mau nyontek yah, tapi duplikasi, eits duplikasi yang bertanggung jawab tentunya ;-)

Di BLOGlicious (side bar) adalah beberapa inspirator saya dalam menulis blog saya yang baru ini. Mereke mempunyai keunikan, keistimewaan dari setiap opini yang mereka tuangkan dalam blog mereka :-) Waduh bahasa saya agak formal nih, hehehe nggak apa-apalah! Kadang kala kita perlu menggunakan bahasa formal untuk mengungkapkan perasaan yah :-) Paling tidak, agar maksud saya bisa dipahami oleh anda semua...:-)

Oke...selamat menikmati blog baru saya. Mohon maaf yah..karena sering ganti blog hehehe, maklum masih mencari jati diri sebagai blogger :-) Mohon bimbingan dari para senior blogger nih :-)

**Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentarnya yah di bawah** Ngarep banget nih tanpa sungka-sungkan, maklum masih katro dan norak jadi blogger newbie :-)

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