20 Januari 2008

Writing Articles. The Ultimate Promotion Tool

By: Allison Thompson

There are many ways for someone to promote their online business or website and one is by writing and then submitting an article to the many article directories that can be found on the internet. People who write articles that are relevant to their site or the product they are selling have found this an inexpensive but extremely effective method of driving traffic to their sites. All it needs is for one well written article that they have submitted to be published and they find that over a period of time the traffic increases to their site. However, by writing more articles then the person is more than likely to gain even more exposure for their site.

Also many people have found that the article directories that they submit to are usually free for submission purposes and when starting an online business any savings you can make in the first few weeks or months will benefit the business.

Plus by submitting an article to an article directory you allowing other site uses to use your information, but they must only use original articles and at all times they must retain the authors resource box. By having your article placed on other peoples sites the potential for additional customers actually visiting your own site is increased.

It should be remembered that any article that you write should be informative, well written and included as many keywords relating to your site as possible. You will see from this article alone, just how many times I have included article in a paragraph or sentence. Also please ensure that you write an article on the subject that relates to your site and that you are familiar with as you will find that this helps to make the article writing process much easier.

Any articles of yours that are chosen and used by a publisher one accepted by an article directory will help to increase your sites presence on the net and will provide you with that all important back link back to your site. As stated previously any article of yours that is used by another site owner or publisher must be kept in its original form and must include the authors resource box with that all important back link back to your own site.

A resource box should just provide the reader with an introduction to yourself and include the back link back to your own site. I usually write one or two lines such as “Allison Thompson, a work from home mum, now living in Spain and who has become extremely interested in writing articles for a living and has now gained expert knowledge in this field. If you would like to know anything on the subject above, please visit my site ………………”.

Any article that has been well written and informative will usually capture a large audience rather than one that is long and tedious and with very little information contained within it about the subject matter. But remembered that any article you write must be an original and must not have been produced anywhere else as the all important search engines of the net only look at those with original content and are easy to spot those that have been duplicated.

Eventually, after you have written a number of articles on your chosen subject you will find that your credibility as an expert has built and people are more willing to read what you are producing.

So as you can see by writing your own articles you are more likely to impress those people that are interested in the service or the product that you are offering and because submission to many article directories is free the cost implications are minimal.

Finally, with the abundance of article directories that are available on the internet you will find that you will be able to reach a larger audience of potential customers, rather if you just set the site up and hope that the search engines find it.
About The Author

Allison Thompson lives in Spain and has become a work at home mum and runs a number of websites including http://www.give-me-articles.com

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